Avast Backup Service
1 user
Delivery: Delivered by e-mail from manufacturer (delivery could be within minutes or hours)
[tab name=’Description’]
Product Description:
- Three-tier encryption to secure data in transit and at rest
- Customizable backup policies and schedules
- Real-time alerts for proactive management
- Consumption-based monthly billing
[tab name=’Features’]
Simple policy setup
Out-of-the-box policies allow you to easily set up a customer and use the customized settings to determine backup frequency, type, and file size.
Comprehensive reporting
Generate real-time, customer-facing reports that include their backup history, backup usage, and backup summary for billing purposes.
Servers and device protection
Perform a bare-metal (image) backup of servers or online backup for files and folders for your devices from a single console to ensure all mission-critical data are protected in case of an disaster.
Anytime, anywhere recovery
Simply recover data from the CloudCare portal and restore to the original location or to a new one.
[tab name=’Technical Specs’]
[tab name=’Misc Info’]
Disclaimer: Information may not be accurate or may change at any time. Access Scanning is just a re-seller, manufacturer owns rights and trademarks of software. Description was provided by manufacturer.