Bitdefender Family Pack 1 year 2020
Sku: BD2 36501L01D, BD2 36501L02D, BD2 36501L03D
Delivery: Electronic/E-mail (delivery could be within minutes or hours) in some case may take longer.
[tab name=’Description’]
Product Description:
Bitdefender Family Pack is a solution for those who want to secure multiple devices with only one product. Family Pack covers all your household devices (PCs, Macs, smartphones, tablets) with one single license key.
What does the “pack” include?
Bitdefender Family Pack includes three products: Bitdefender Total Security (for Windows PCs/laptops), Antivirus for Mac (for Macs) and Bitdefender Mobile Security (for smartphones/tablets with Android) that can be managed using a single license key.
How does it work?
Bitdefender Family Pack can be used by 3 or 5 family members (i.e. accounts). This means that up to 5 family members can create MyBitdefender accounts and use one of the products in the pack (or all of them) on as many devices as they want. The devices and several features of the product, such as Parental Control, Anti-theft or Facebook protection are further managed via the MyBitdefender account used when installing the product. The uninstall and renewal processes are similar to that of the standalone products.
On how many devices can I use theBitdefender Family Pack?
You can install the products included in the pack on as many devices as you want, provided that you do not exceed the number of specified accounts. You can use only one of the products (e.g. the Total Security) on an unlimited number of devices, or all of them. Similarly, it is possible that only one family member manages all devices (e.g. 3 PCs, 1 Mac, 1 tablet, 3 smartphones) via a single MyBitdefender account.
[tab name=’Features’]
Some Features:
- Complete protection for all Windows, macOS, iOS and Android devices in your household*
- Protect your family from e-threats with advanced parental controls IMPROVED
- Multi-layer ransomware protection now with ransomware remediation NEW
- Parental ControlIMPROVED
- Network Threat Prevention: stops attacks before they can reach you NEW
- Comprehensive Support 24/7
[tab name=’Technical Specs’]
[tab name=’Misc Info’]
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